xforms-model-destruct event
Sabine Teubner
2014-05-14 08:47:50 UTC
Dear all

In one of my models I am trying to respond to the xforms-model-destruct event. For starters I just tried to display a message when the event is dispatched:

<xforms:model …>


<xforms:message level="modal" ev:event="xforms-model-destruct">
xforms-model-destruct dispatched


However, the message is never displayed. Am I wrong in assuming that the event is dispatched „automatically“, just as for example xforms-ready? If it is not, is there a way that I can dispatch the event when the user tries to close/leave the web page for which the model was constructed?

Thanks and best wishes

Sabine Teubner, BaseX GmbH, http://basex.org
|-- Firmensitz: Blarerstrasse 56, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
| Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Phone: 0049 7531 28 28 676, Fax: 0049 7531 20 05 22
William Velasquez
2014-05-14 16:04:01 UTC
Looking inside xsltforms.js, this event is fired under two circumstances:
1. When a xf:submission replaces the content of the model
2. When the event body.onunload is fired by the browser

The event onunload has an history of not being not widely supported by all browsers.

Maybe you are using an old Chrome or Chrome browser.


- Bill

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Sabine Teubner [mailto:st-***@public.gmane.org]
Enviado el: miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014 3:48 a. m.
Para: xsltforms-support-5NWGOfrQmneRv+***@public.gmane.org
Asunto: [Xsltforms-support] xforms-model-destruct event

Dear all

In one of my models I am trying to respond to the xforms-model-destruct event. For starters I just tried to display a message when the event is dispatched:

<xforms:model .>


<xforms:message level="modal" ev:event="xforms-model-destruct">
xforms-model-destruct dispatched


However, the message is never displayed. Am I wrong in assuming that the event is dispatched "automatically", just as for example xforms-ready? If it is not, is there a way that I can dispatch the event when the user tries to close/leave the web page for which the model was constructed?

Thanks and best wishes

Sabine Teubner, BaseX GmbH, http://basex.org
|-- Firmensitz: Blarerstrasse 56, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
| Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Phone: 0049 7531 28 28 676, Fax: 0049 7531 20 05 22

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