Calculated submissions
Mark Lawson
2014-08-13 15:05:52 UTC

I’ve got an issue with calculated submissions using <xf:resource/> in 1.0RC2

I’ve got a control instance with a case element. This gets set in a select1 to what case I want.
I’ve a submission to get this case and put the results in the case_record instance:

<!— Instance to hold the case —>
<xf:instance id="case_record" xmlns="">

<!— Instance to control bits of the form —>
<xf:instance id=“control" xmlns="">

<xf:submission id="getcase"
method="get" replace="instance" instance="case_record"
omit-xml-declaration="yes" >
<xf:resource value="concat('v1/documents?uri=/cases/',instance(‘control')/case,'/case.xml')"/>

If I run this it works the first time, however the second time, it sends the calculated uri, *plus* every element now in the case_record (actually what ever is the first instance in the form). I can get around that, by creating a dummy instance at the top of my form that’s empty, i.e. <xf:instance><data/></xf:instance> but that seems a little messy.

I’ve also found that adding an action attribute with the base of my uri works as well:

<xf:submission id="getcase" action="v1/documents"
method="get" replace="instance" instance="case_record"
omit-xml-declaration="yes" >
<xf:resource value="concat('v1/documents?uri=/cases/',instance(‘control')/case,'/case.xml')"/>

My question should I be able to create a submission with just a <xf:resource> in it, without a ref/action/resource attribute?


Mark Lawson
Senior Technical Architect
Staffordshire and West Midlands
Community Rehabilitation Company
[sent from home email]

2014-08-20 20:00:23 UTC
Hello Mark!

Sorry for the delay.

As specified at http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xforms-20091020/#submit-get, the
default instance is always serialized as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
unless the serialization attribute is set to "none".

Thank you for your feedback!

I’ve got an issue with calculated submissions using <xf:resource/> in 1.0RC2
I’ve got a control instance with a case element. This gets set in a select1 to
what case I want.
I’ve a submission to get this case and put the results in the case_record
<!— Instance to hold the case —>
<xf:instance id="case_record" xmlns="">
<!— Instance to control bits of the form —>
<xf:instance id=“control" xmlns="">
<xf:submission id="getcase"
method="get" replace="instance" instance="case_record"
omit-xml-declaration="yes" >
If I run this it works the first time, however the second time, it sends the
calculated uri, *plus* every element now in the case_record (actually what
ever is the first instance in the form). I can get around that, by creating a
dummy instance at the top of my form that’s empty, i.e.
<xf:instance><data/></xf:instance> but that seems a little messy.
I’ve also found that adding an action attribute with the base of my uri works
<xf:submission id="getcase" action="v1/documents"
method="get" replace="instance" instance="case_record"
omit-xml-declaration="yes" >
My question should I be able to create a submission with just a <xf:resource>
in it, without a ref/action/resource attribute?
Mark Lawson
Senior Technical Architect
Staffordshire and West Midlands
Community Rehabilitation Company
[sent from home email]
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